Prepare to be a Maze
MAC USERS: Due to a bug beyond my control in Godot 4, the web version takes a really long time to load. It should load eventually after ~3 minutes. Apologies. I'm on Linux and didn't know about this issue until after submission.
Before you lies May, the living maze. For eons travelers have traversed her labyrinthine innards. No more- this time, the maze is solving you.
Control May's maze with WASD and rotate May's maze with Q and E. The maze will rotate in place, regardless of the position of the blocks in her walls. Use this to reach the goal at the end of each level.
You can restart a level at any point with R.
Gameplay, "art" and ""music"" all by Yossarian.
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Nice concept, like it
Woah... this is fantastic!
I love the title, always appreciate a bit of wordplay, especially when it also perfectly describes the concept.
And the concept, you executed very well. Already by the 2nd level you can feel that the puzzles are quite clever.
Very nice :D
Saw vimlark play and its amazing great job :)